Welcoming People on the Move: Walking with those who seek refuge and hope for a better future
Our commitment to JPIC compels us to re-examine how we stand in solidarity with those who are at these “frontiers.” (Artisans of Hope, p.19)
We share with you some of the many projects and programs by our Sisters from around the world who work with people on the move.
Care of Migrants
Objective: To assist migrants' integration in Australia.
Activities: Awareness raising about the migrant issue at Stuartholme School of the Sacred Heart, Brisbane, increase educational opportunities of migrants, and increase migrants' employment opportunities.
Proyecto Bienvenido/a a Chile
Chinese migrant workers are sometimes trapped in abusive relationships with their employers, in particular in mines, restaurants and shops. Translators are needed, especially translators that have no relationship with the employers.
Activities: Spanish language lessons for Chinese citizens, accompany Chinese citizens to their place of work, and translations with doctors, prosecutors and when dealing with paperwork.
Sudanese Refugees in Cairo
Since 1984, Sudanese refugees have been settling in Cairo. From 1990 to 2005, the number of refugees arriving in Cairo increased significantly. As a result of these constraints, a number of churches in Cairo opened learning centres to provide primary, secondary and skills training for refugee children and youth. Sacred Heart Church is the biggest educational/training service provider to the refugee children and youth in Cairo.
Refugees and Migrants Programme (RAMP)
The presence of migrants and refugees in London is significant. Objectives: To help refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants to realize their potential and achieve participation in society. It aims to provide a holistic service for people on the move with multiple and complex needs.
Immigrant integration centre, Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid (Centro de Integración de Inmigrantes, ASTI, Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid)
It all started in 1996, when the province decided to adapt its premises to respond to the needs to welcome and train migrants that were arriving in the suburbs of Madrid. The approach of the center is based on education, promotion of persons in helping them to improve their working skills, to obtain papers and rights, to integrate in a new culture, to resolve problems, and to acquire conscience of their dignity.
Puente de Esperanza, Madrid
In the Association PUENTE DE ESPERANZA we work with two RSCJ together with other women from twelve religious congregations. We want to give a joint response to the reality of poverty of a group of migrants in the Tetuán neighborhood of Madrid. We want to be bridges that encourage hope and allow the passage to a more fraternal world with opportunities for all, helping the most vulnerable people on their way, reinforcing their human dignity and promoting their socio-cultural and labor promotion to facilitate their inclusion in our plural reality. In this vision we unite our dreams.
St Joseph's Refugee Outreach Committee
Sponsorship, welcome and outreach to help support and respond to the needs of refugees in the St Joseph community. Promote in the community a spirit of openness and welcoming an understanding and celebration of differences and an awareness of refugee issues in the world.

Click here to view all the programs/projects connected to "Welcoming People on the Move."