In our pursuit of JPIC, we inevitably come face-to-face with the significant role that POWER plays in our life and mission – as individuals and communities, in the relationships and structures that underpin our societies and nations, as well as in our vision of the world and hope for the future.

JPIC is also a work of structural transformation that involves the Spirit: communal, social, political, economic, ecological, planetary, and cosmic transformation. One integrated movement weaves together the contemplative and active aspects of our Sacred Heart charism.

The call to care for our common home, which is replete with diverse beauty, holds unprecedented urgency. Driven by an ethic of caring about the future of our planet we along with so many others responding to this call seek creative and effective ways to heed this urgency.

In a painful mix of hope and desperation, countless people risk their lives to escape war, persecution, poverty and natural disasters. Our commitment to JPIC compels us to re-examine how we stand in solidarity with those who are at these “frontiers.”