Support to the formation of 50 students of the Lycée Kipako


With limited economic resources, parents are unable to pay for their children’s school fees, if so, boys usually get the upper hand. Out-of-school girls become a target for early marriages and pregnancies.


For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.
Date of Record Entry: 2024/06/21
Date of Record Last Modified: 2024/06/21

Marginalised women, children and abandoned youth victims of poverty and violence


In the prison of Klessoum (Chad) conditions are poor, convicts, in particular women with their children, are often marginalised and their families tend to disregard them. Health and hygiene are not guaranteed.


For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.
Date of Record Entry: 2024/02/09
Date of Record Last Modified: 2024/02/27

The friends of Sophie; food support for patients living with HIV/AIDS


HIV/AIDS patients (adults and children) tend to be a group in a vulnerable situation, health and socially-wise, that struggle to provide for themselves, and on occasions are disregarded by their families. Women whose husband died of AIDS are ill-treated by their in-law-family. Women HIV+ and their children are left aside. AIDS orphans are left to fend for themselves. Moreover, access to accurate information on their health is likely to be challenging.

For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.
Date of Record Entry: 2023/08/02
Date of Record Last Modified: 2023/08/03
