"The desire to care and to be artisans of hope becomes sentimental and fruitless without the power to act on it.
Thus, with passion and generosity, we expend our energies to respond as best we can to the needs in our different ministries and contexts."
(Being Artisans of Hope, p. 9)
In a document entitled, "An inhabited silience!", Dorota Zych rscj shares updates on the Professional Agricultural College of Bougoudang and their JPIC initiatives throughout the years.
We share the highlights from the document below:

"Our life, despite all the difficulties, remains full of color and beauty. It becomes like that, also thanks to you, thanks to the trust you place in us. Your gestures of solidarity carry us forward! Know that we do not sit idly by, we work, we raise awareness, we educate. Many thanks!"
Dorota Zych rscj