Health and nutrition club, Ngumo Community


To improve on health and nutrition in the school.


Health and nutrition club to put up posters in the school compound to direct pupils on what to do (eg. Take care of the trees, put rubbish in the compost pit, wash hands, clean dishes).




Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/01/20

Cuidado medioambiental, Kangole, Uganda (Environmental Care)


To install an healthy environment in local communities.


  • Increase the use of bins for waste: train students to use bins for rubbish
  • Correct disposal of waste: building of an efficient incinerator for sanitary pads for 700 students
  • Reduce environmental footprint: use of fuel-saving stoves (indirectly: save on cutting down trees)



Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/01/20

Un medioambiente sano, Chekalini, Kenia (Healthy Environment)


Chekalini shows bare plots that are exposed to soil erosion. 

Access to water is limited.

Waste is often disposed on the floor


To increase environmental care


St Charles Lwanga Technical Training Institute

Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2021/11/25

Sin Plástico, Ngumo, Kenia (Plastic Free)


In many Kenian cities and rural areas rubbish is thrown on the ground.  


To educate children to the health and evironmental problems caused by plastic rubbish which is left to "disintegrate" into the soil.


  • Awareness raisging on the consequences of plastic rubbish
  • Cleaning activities of the coumpound (plastic and paper rubbish)


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2021/11/23
