Vertical Tabs Overview Objective To improve school environment conditions. Activities: Environment Club; Clean Environment: children limiting litter, admonishing the litter-bugs and picking up litter themselves; each classroom has a bin for rubbish with ‘KEEP ME CLEAN’ written on it . Aesthetics of the environement: children to plant and water flowers. Clean air: use of bio-gas for cooking made from cow dung (cut down on charcoal, firewood, and ordinary gas); use of solar heaters (cut down on the use of firewood because water used for cooking is heated this way) Soil fertility and health: Children grow their own crops using natural manure (chicken droppings). Water management: We harvest rain water in tanks to reduce the use of spring water and water from streams. Waste Prevention: children to serve themselves with only what they can eat preventing food waste . El objetivo Mejorar las condiciones del entorno escolar. Las actividades Club de medio ambiente; limpieza del entorno: el alumnado limita la producción de basura, amonesta a quienes la tiran al suelo y recogen ellos mismos la basura; cada aula tiene un cubo de basura con la inscripción "MANTENGAN LA LIMPIEZA". Estética del entorno: el alumnado planta y riegan flores. Aire limpio: uso de biogás para cocinar a partir de estiércol de vaca (se reduce el uso de carbón, leña y gas ordinario); uso de calentadores solares (se reduce el uso de leña porque así se calienta el agua para cocinar) Fertilidad y salud del suelo: El alumnado cultiva sus propias cosechas utilizando abono natural (excrementos de pollo). Gestión del agua: Recogemos el agua de lluvia en tanques para reducir el uso de agua de manantial y de los arroyos. Prevención de desperdicio alimentar: cada alumno se sirven sólo lo que puede comer evitando el desperdicio de alimentos. Society Presence: Uganda/Kenya Focus of the project: Planet JPIC Imperative: Care for Our Common Home Contact name: RSCJ People being served People being served: Agents of transformation (Educators) Schedule Project Status: Ongoing Documents: No documents currently. For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/20