"The call to care for our common home, which is replete with diverse beauty, holds unprecedented urgency. Driven by an ethic of caring about the future of our planet we, along with so many others responding to this call, seek creative and effective ways to heed this urgency.
« L’appel à prendre soin de notre maison commune, qui regorge de beautés diverses, revêt une urgence sans précédent. Poussés par une éthique soucieuse de l’avenir de notre planète, nous répondons, avec beaucoup d’autres, à cet appel de rechercher des moyens créatifs et efficaces de prendre en compte cette urgence.
"La llamada a cuidar de nuestra casa común, que está llena de bellezas diferentes, tiene una urgencia sin precedentes. Impulsados e impulsadas por una ética del cuidado sobre el futuro de nuestro planeta, junto con tantos otros y tantas otras respondiendo a esta llamada, buscamos formas creativas y efectivas de prestar atención a esta urgencia.
To offer a space where sub-Saharan women living in Tetouan (Morocco) find themselves welcomed and trusted, feel listened to, can build relationships with other women and be able to expand their potentialities.
12 sessions of two hours each from May to August, divided as follows:
This project wants to respond to the need that people have to cover their personal hygiene and care needs. Many of the migrants do not live in minimum-standard conditions thus preventing them to socialise in any normal way with others. They cannot access social service networks of integration and not even engage in any active job hunting.
To offer a space of attention and accompaniment to mothers with children under the age of six , enhancing their relationship, their bonding and the children’s healthy growth in the city of Tetouan (Morocco).
To contribute to the promotion of respect towards the rights of migrants in Tetouan (Morocco).
Specific Objectives
1. To accompany the migrants that arrive to the project in their migration process. Individual attention makes it possible to work more integrally with each of them, to understand each one’s economic and personal needs.
2. To improve support to migrants and reduce the level of risk of exclusion of the most vulnerable groups.