Trek Amal (Tetouan, Morocco)

General Objective

To contribute to the promotion of respect towards the rights of migrants in Tetouan (Morocco).

Specific Objectives

1. To accompany the migrants that arrive to the project in their migration process. Individual attention makes it possible to work more integrally with each of them, to understand each one’s economic and personal needs.

2. To improve support to migrants and reduce the level of risk of exclusion of the most vulnerable groups.

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2019/03/05
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/01/14

Centro Socio-Cultural Sagrado Corazón, Priego de Cordoba


To provide support to a vulnerable community.



  • educational support
  • clothing assistance
  • workshops for women
  • adult education



Collaborative meeting of needs of local neighbourhoods


Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2018/04/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/01/14

Radio Ecca, Vecindario, Balos, Canary Islands


Migrant integration in the southwest island of Gran Canary.


Activities are implemented in the basement of the RSCJ community house.

  • Legal advice (all year round)

A lawyer comes once a week to the centre to respond to legal issues. Highlights migrants their rights and obligations

  • Literacy lessons (from October to June)

Some migrants have never been to school.

23% of the enrolled students

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2017/04/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/01/14

Centre d'intégration pour immigrants, Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid (Centro de Integración de Inmigrantes, ASTI, Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid


It all started in 1996, when the province decided to adpat its premises to respond to the needs to welcome and train migrants that were arriving in the suburbs of Madrid.

The approach of the centre is based on education, promotion of persons in helping them to improve their working skills, to obtain papers and rights, to integrate in a new culture, to resolve problems, and to acquire conscience of their dignity.      


Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2017/04/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2021/11/18

Change in Learning Methods to Transform the Future


The Red de Colegios del Sagrado Corazón (the School Network of the Sacred Heart) is a network of the 15 schools of the Sacred Heart in Spain including about 12.500 students and 1.100 teachers. 

Our schools are pastoral and inclusive. This reality supposes a privilege for all students, who grow in a climate of realism, tolerance and richness of human experiences.

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2017/04/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/03/21

Inlayapas Asociación, Grenada, Andalusia


INLAYAPAS (INserción LAboral Y Acompañamiento PAStoral – Labour Insertion and Pastoral Accompaniment) is at the service of the immigrant population, especially women, from an educational, labour and pastoral perspective.

The INLAYAPAS Association cares for relationships, accompaniment and follow-up from a believer perspective, proper to religious life, which other non-denominational organisations cannot attend to. However, it is the desire and project of the association to work in collaboration with all these organisations.

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2017/04/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/01/14
