Living our charism and mission in a world marked by conflict and forced mobility compels us
to walk with and be in solidarity with people on the move.
(Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p.25)
Below are resources on Migrants and Refugees. Click the title to access the resource.
“It is not just about migrants”
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 105th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2019
"Faith-Based Organisations on World Refugee Day 2020: To know in order to understand”
The Society of the Sacred Heart, along with 53 other faith-based organizations, signed a statement in support of refugees.
This text is available in ENG - FRA - SPA - ITA - POR
Forced like Jesus Christ to Flee
Resources for the 2020 World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
"Migrants and Refugees Challenge Us. The Response of the Gospel of Mercy."
Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2016
Pastoral Orientations on Climate Displaced People
The Migrants and Refugees Section hopes that local churches and Catholic organizations will find the POCDP useful in addressing the issue of Climate Displaced People and the concrete needs of our affected brothers and sisters.
You may suggest additional resources by sending these to jpiclearninghub@gmail.com