Vertical Tabs Overview Background In 2015, Pope Francis published its second encyclical, Laudato Si', a reflexion on the care of our common home. Objective Dissiminate the content of Laudato Si' among RSCJ and the whole Family of the Sarced Heart in Ireland and Scotland. Activities Presentations and discussions on Laudate Si' (associates and colleagues were invited to these presentations). El contexto En 2015, Papa Francisco publicó su segunda encíclica, Laudato Sì, una reflexión sobre el cuidado de nuestra casa común. El objetivo Dar a conocer y analizar Laudato Sì entre las RSCJ y toda la Familia del Sagrado Corazón de Irlanda y Escocia. Las actividades Presentaciones y discusiones sobre Laudate Sì (los asociados, las asociadas y colegas de trabajo fueron invitados a estas presentaciones). Le contexte En 2015, le pape François publie sa deuxième encyclique, Laudato Si', une réflexion sur le soin de notre maison commune. L'objectif Propager le contenu de Laudato Si' auprès des RSCJ et de toute la Famille du Cœur Sarcé en Irlande et en Ecosse. Les activités Présentations et discussions sur Laudate Si' (les associés et les collègues étaient invités à ces présentations). Society Presence: Ireland/Scotland Focus of the project: Planet JPIC Imperative: Transforming and Being Transformed Contact name: Carmel Flynn rscj People being served People being served: Agents of transformation (Educators) Age group: Adults 26 - 60, Young people 18 - 25 Number of participants: 51-100 Schedule Starting date: 2015-01 Ending date: 2015-12 Project Status: Completed Documents: No documents currently. For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/05/04