Vertical Tabs Overview To support schools in Uganda-Kenya by raising funds for building needs and equipment, sponsoring student education, responding to various needs dictated by current events and other fund raising items to support justice and peace. For many years, Regis School has steadfastly supported Ugandan Sacred Heart schools both in prayer and in capital. Regis boys raise funds to contribute to many RSCJ projects in Uganda, including our sister Sacred Heart School at Kyamusansala Hill, during the annual Lenten coin collection. In 2015, Regis was able to send $5000 to our sister school. In partnership with other Network schools, Regis has been able to send monies for a water filtration plant, a classroom building and tuition, and, most recently, to kick start a goat project. Apoyar a las escuelas de Uganda-Kenia mediante la recaudación de fondos para las necesidades de construcción y material, becas de educación para estudiantes, respuesta a diversas necesidades dictadas por los acontecimientos actuales y otros elementos de recaudación de fondos para apoyar la justicia y la paz. Durante muchos años, el colegio Regis ha apoyadolos colegios ugandeses del Sagrado Corazón, tanto con la oración que económicamente. Los alumnos de Regis recaudan fondos para contribuir a muchos proyectos de las RSCJ en Uganda, incluida nuestra escuela hermana del Sagrado Corazón en Kyamusansala Hill, durante la colecta anual de monedas de Cuaresma. En 2015, Regis pudo enviar 5000 dólares a nuestra escuela hermana. En colaboración con otras escuelas de la red, Regis ha podido enviar dinero para una planta de filtración de agua, la construcción de un aula y becas para la matrícula, y, más recientemente, para poner en marcha un proyecto de cabras. Society Presence: United States/Canada Focus of the project: People Contact name: Irene Cullen RSCJ People being served People being served: Agents of transformation (Educators) Number of participants: 251-500 Schedule Project Status: Ongoing Documents: results of fund raising results of fund raising year 2004 visit indirect beneficiaries to US For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/20