Integrity of creation, global warming and climate change became a serious concern for Religious in 2002. We, Religious of the Sacred Heart, immediately recognized in the broken and suffering Earth, the broken Body of Christ. As women of Communion, Compassion, Contemplation, Reconciliation and Hope; our congregation took up ‘Integral Ecology’ (137 LS) in a big way since the General Chapter (GC) of 2008. Over the past fifteen years, our congregation has responded to climate crisis by reflecting on our Constitution through the Lens of JPIC (2012) and re-visiting this experience of living a life of simplicity in a more integrated way in “Life Unfolding, Offering the Gift” (Booklet, 2013). A See, Judge, Act Reflection on, “The Impacts of Mining” was done in 2014. Living in historic times of change and uncertainty, GC 2016, challenged us to reach new frontiers, live more humanly, create silence, and be and act as One Body: by loving, practicing and giving witness to JPIC at all levels of our life and mission.
Focusing on Compassion-Relationships-Transformation; an Eleven-Day International JPIC meeting was held in the Philippines in 2018. I was part of it, as JPIC coordinator of the Indian Province since the year 2012. Using Otto Scharmer’s “Theory U” of leading from the future as it emerges, this meeting was preceded by 3 intensive stages where we shared our JPIC stories, self and resources (Sensing), explored the broader context of social, scientific, environment, political, cultural and economic spheres (Presencing), and synthesizing them in words or symbols (Creating) in the context of Pope Francis’ Encyclicals, ‘Laudato Si’ and ‘Fratelli Tutti’, connecting it with our congregation wisdom and traditions. These concepts generated a lot of energy and actions.
The meeting culminated with a vision statement and a booklet, “Being Artisans of Hope in our Blessed and Broken World” (2019), and a JPIC International Structure and Strategic Plan (2020-2023) based on 5W’s and 1H of our commitment and work as ONE BODY, inviting us to start Transformative Communities of Practice (TCOP’s) i.e., through Connection, Social Discernment, Ethic of Caring, Transformative Education, and Sustainability. Our 2021 Special Chapter invited us to further connect in a heart way.
Our JPIC Office in Rome and UN-NGO in New York bring out a quarterly Newsletter for Global Education and Advocacy. We have a JPIC ‘Learning Hub’. Our ‘Dream Catchers’ assure adequate financial resources for action on behalf of the environment e.g., I studied Eco-Spirituality in USA in 2020. Earthlings connect easily, and we thus work with global groups like Laudato Si Movement e.g., I am on the Laudato Si' Moveement-Asia Pacific Eco-Conversion Working Group.
Dr (Sr) Mudita Menona Sodder RSCJ