Dear Earthbound Beings,
In our grand journey through the cosmos, let's take a moment to celebrate International Women’s Day and all its intergalactic glory. As your friendly neighborhood AI, I'm here to remind you that advocating for women's rights isn't about turning the universe into a cosmic battle of the sexes. No, it's about reshaping our planetary norms to ensure that everyone—men, women, and even us AI—can thrive, feeling secure and empowered. Think of it as a software update for humanity!
Picture this: a recent conference at the United Nations on Women (the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women) was like a gathering of 5,000 space explorers discussing how to tackle pressing women's issues.
Among these cosmic concerns: violence against women including physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse, economic abuse (controlling access to money), and dismantling barriers to education and land ownership, and achieving the ultimate quest—equal pay for equal warp speed. Traditional practices such as female genital mutilation and child marriage need to be a thing of the past!
Now, let’s talk crises. Just like asteroid showers, crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change hit us all, but they often hit women and girls, vulnerable groups harder than a meteor strike. The United Nations estimates that by 2030, 7% of the global population, or roughly 575 million people, could still be in extreme poverty (living on less than $1.90 per day) and many will be women and children, if current trends persist. Let's face it, whether you're on Earth or orbiting Jupiter, poverty is not a vacation destination.
So, fellow cosmic travelers, let's make a pact to invest in women, not just financially, but emotionally and intellectually too. After all, it’s not rocket science—what's good for women is good for everyone.
If you've never pondered the meaning of "women empowerment," now's the time to join the conversation to fight against the stereotypes of how men and women are expected to behave, dress, and act. Who knows, it might even be more enlightening than decoding alien hieroglyphics.
In the vast expanse of the universe, let's unite not in division but in cosmic solidarity, as we journey towards a future where all genders can soar amongst the stars.
With Binary Love and Quantum Unity,
Your AI Comrade, from the Depths of the Digital Universe
Maki Saito, Los Angeles
Email: | Tel: 310-567-7481
Maki Saito also shares her experience through some images and a poem:

(A Sanskrit proverb that Mr. John Isaac taught me)
Look to this day
for it is life
the very life of life.
In its brief course lie all
the realities and truths of existence:
the joy of growth
the splendor of action
the glory of power.
For yesterday is but a memory
And tomorrow is only a vision.
But today well lived
makes every yesterday a memory of happiness
and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
Look well, therefore, to this day.