Read about the impact of Covid-19 in Torpa, India. The mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart in Torpa is featured in the latest JCoR brief about the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on the most vulnerable.
The articles are only available in English.
PDF versions of the newletters mentioned in this JCoR brief may be downloaded from the link below.
All issues of the Covid-19 Brief are found at the JCoR Covid-19 Response Hub.
JCor highlights responses of religious to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Click this link; scroll down to see some of the articles from the Society of the Sacred Heart.
The Society of the Sacred Heart is an active member of the Justice Coalition of Religious (JCoR).
Please share your stories about your people during the pandemic and send to our UN-NGO Representative (un-ngo@rscj.org).
Sheila Smith rscj
UN-NGO Representative