Passion for Life

Youth Centre for Spiritual and Artistic Development: Building the Centre with rooms for group activities, gym, art studios, chapel, cafeteria, recording studio, climbing wall, hostel; Addiction prevention; Uniting people with one another and with God; Professional help in personal development and dealing with problems

Charity shop: Social exclusion prevention

For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.
Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25
Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/14

Kindergartens, primary, middle and high schools in Warsaw and Poznan

The Created World – a Gift of God

Earth Day

Developing  sensitivity to the needs of others  and human labour

Developing respect for nature  

Developing responsibility for the earth and the use of its resources

Catechesis,  ecology classes, cleaning the earth, picnics  with natural products  


For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.
Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25
Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/14

JPIC in Poland Communities

Care for the earth

Recycling of materials in our houses and institutions; economizing on water and energy.  

Open Eyes

Supporting particular people  

  • by accommodating them or welcoming for feasts
  • funding for their urgent needs      
  • serving food
  • offering a shower
  • helping to find a job                

Signing petitions            

Sympathising with the  suffering  by means of prayer 

Involving young people and children to sympathize with us  


For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.
Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25
Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/14

JPIC Awareness, Sacred Heart Primary School and Sacred Heart Kindergarten, Tarnow

Primary School

Raising awareness about helping the needy: develop the attitude of respect for the elderly, the sick and the needy.

  • Organising a Christmas decorations fair
  • Visiting the nearby Social Welfare Home
  • Earth Day activities: cleaning, waste recycling, elderly people, fundraising activities


For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.
Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25
Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/14

JPIC Awareness Raising in Primary Schools and Kindergarten in Warsaw

Help for Tchad, Haiti, Nepal :  

  • Collecting of school utensils and other things
  • Developing  sensitivity to the needs of others

Collections for the people in need:

  • Children in Tchad and Haiti
  • Hospice for disabled children
  • Animal shelter











For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.
Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25
Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/14
