Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ encyclical on climate change and ecology, offers a transformative new vision of environmental protection. The Laudato Si’ Movement, in partnership with Off the Fence Productions, is collaborating with the Vatican to release the Laudato Si’ film October 4, 2022.
The Laudato Si' film will feature frontline champions from around the world. Each person represents a voice that is not being heard–the voice of the Indigenous, the voice of the young, the voice of the poor, and the voice of nature. The film follows these people coming together in dialogue with each other and Pope Francis himself. Throughout the film, we see the characters find unity in their distinct worldviews and strength in the common values we all share. Click here to read the Laudato Si' Film Presentation.
The film will premiere in Vatican City on the Feast of St. Francis that closes the Season of Creation. Hours later it will be available to watch on the YouTube Originals Channel for free, available to everyone. The film will be available for free and dubbed in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and French and for global audiences through a partnership with YouTube and will be screened at high-level events and in communities across the world.
Watch The Letter: Laudato Si Film below: