"Displaced by poverty, violence, and environmental degradation, they are forced to leave their homes,
plunge into the unknown, and seek refuge in lands and cultures not their own...
Many are disallowed entry in ports, [and] fall prey to human trafficking..."
Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p.19

Below are resources for awareness and solidarity to end Human Trafficking. Click on the title to access the resource.
Kids they are! Not slaves!
Prayer resource on the widespread phenomenon of the trafficking of children and adolescents.
Online Marathon of Prayer against Human Trafficking
The Unions of Superiors and Superiors Generals of Religious Institutes have organized the Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking.
Talitha Kum Website
Talitha Kum is part of the UISG and coordinates the anti-trafficking efforts of Religious Sisters, facilitating networking, communication and formation, according to the strategic planning of the UISG and the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church.
Talitha Kum Brochure (2016)
The expression “Talitha Kum” has the transformative power of compassion and mercy, which awakens the deep desire for dignity and life which may be asleep and injured by the many forms of exploitation.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
The UN Website for the Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
The UN Website for World Day against Trafficking in Persons
Video: They are children! Not slaves!
A Youtube video for The International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons: What does it mean to us as RSCJ?
Our Constitutions say: “The pierced Heart of Jesus opens our being to the depths of God and to the anguish of humankind.” (#8)