Welcome to the JPIC Library!

This is a collection of resources, categorized by TOPICS, 
for the use of the Family of the Sacred Heart as we live our commitment
to be Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World.

Care for Our Common Home
We have been called in many ways to understand our relationship with the earth and to care for our common home. (Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p.24)

Climate Change
The cry of our wounded earth demands urgent and deliberate response, and caring for this, our common home, is both a call and a witness to hope. (Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p.24)

Many of us are in countries that are experiencing the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19), which has been declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a "global pandemic."

Fratelli Tutti
Pope Francis gives us Fratelli Tutti, a proposal for a way of life marked by the flavour of the Gospel. It is a call to love others as brothers and sisters, even when they are far from us... (An overview of the Encyclical FRATELLI TUTTI, p1)

End Human Trafficking
"Human trafficking, a crime against humanity." (Pope Francis)

JPIC Voices
JPIC Voices is the joint newsletter of JPIC International, UN-NGO and JPIC Learning Hub.

Laudato Si'
Pope Francis’ encyclical letter Laudato Si’ is a compelling call to care for our common home, Earth, building on a long history of Catholic teaching. (Global Catholic Climate Movement)

Migrants and Refugees
Living our charism and mission in a world marked by conflict and forced mobility compels us to walk with and be in solidarity with people on the move. (Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p.25)

“Creation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of only a few. Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude.” (Pope Francis)

Our Service of Education
This service of education in institutions includes instruction, but emphasizes the formation of the whole person, formation for social and collective life, accompaniment of the faith, with a definite goal: education for justice in faith. (Education:  A Commitment (International Education Commission, 1988))

We recognize our need to grow in freedom to speak about power and to share our inspirations and struggles in integrating it into our lives. (Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p.9)

Season of Creation
Driven by an ethic of caring about the future of our planet we along with so many others responding to this call seek creative and effective ways to heed this urgency.  (Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p.16)

Our responsibilities as global citizens and the transformation of minds, hearts, and actions that we desire intersect with our Sacred Heart spirituality. (Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p.14)

Urbi et Orbi
Urbi et Orbi ('to the city [of Rome] and to the world') denotes a papal address and apostolic blessing given by the pope on certain solemn occasions.

"The spirit of breath of god moves on the face of the waters and sets into motion the divine creation of the universe." (Genesis 1:2)


Topics are arranged alphabetically.  Click on a topic to see the articles under that topic.
More topics will be added as we receive more materials.

2020 Jornada Mundial del Migrante y del Refugiado: Como Jesucristo, Obligados a Huir


El 27 de septiembre es la 
Jornada Mundial del Migrante y del Refugiado.

Impulsados e impulsadas por nuestro carisma y misión como educadores y educadoras del Sagrado Corazón para vivificar la esperanza en nuestro mundo herido, somos llamados y llamadas a ser solidarios y solidarias con “las personas en movimiento”.

Ser Artesanas de Esperanza en Nuestro Mundo Bendecido y Roto, p. 23

2020 World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Forced like Jesus Christ to Flee

September 27 is World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Impelled by our charism and mission as Sacred Heart educators to vivify hope in this, our wounded world, we are called to be in solidarity with “people on the move.”

Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p. 20.

The theme chosen by Pope Francis for the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees is “Forced like Jesus Christ to flee” to focus on the pastoral care of internally displaced people (IDPs).

La force d'impact de l'industrie minière


Notre coordonnatrice du JPIC international Anne Corry rscj est un membre de « Integrity of Creation Working Group USG-UISG » ( l’Union des Supérieurs généraux et Supérieures Générales Internationales ).

Elle partage avec nous cette ressource sur La force d'impact de l'industrie minière qui a été élaboré par ce groupe de travail pour la disponibilité de toutes les congrégations religieuses.


Los Impactos de la Minería


Nuestra Coordinadora de JPIC Internacional Anne Corry rscj es miembro del Grupo de Trabajo para la Integridad de la Creación de la USG-UISG (Unión de los Superiores Generales y la Unión Internacional de Superioras Generales).

Ella comparte con nosotras este recurso sobre Los Impactos de la Minería, que fue desarrollado por este grupo de trabajo para la disponibilidad de todas las congregaciones religiosas.

