Artisan de l'Espérance - KOC - NEANZ
Toujours dans mon cheminement de vie : "Venez voir où je vis".
J'ai pu faire une brève rétrospective des activités liées à JPIC à travers la vie religieuse.
Toujours dans mon cheminement de vie : "Venez voir où je vis".
J'ai pu faire une brève rétrospective des activités liées à JPIC à travers la vie religieuse.
Still Life in my Journey: ‘Come and see where I live’
I was able to briefly look back on the activities related to JPIC through religious life.
Presque 70 ans après l'Accord d'Armistice en Corée, les tensions et les conflits entre le Nord et le Sud font partie intégrante de la vie quotidienne dans la Péninsule Coréenne. Bien que la possibilité d'un accord durable sur la dénucléarisation et la réunification soit encore incertaine, la nécessité d'efforts soutenus en matière de diplomatie et de consolidation de la paix demeure, ainsi que le besoin de soutenir des solutions locales pour résoudre les conflits de longue date sur la péninsule. (source:
Casi 70 años después del acuerdo de armisticio coreano, la tensión y el conflicto entre el Norte y el Sur han sido parte constante de la vida cotidiana en la península de Corea. Aunque sigue siendo incierta la posibilidad de un acuerdo duradero sobre su desnuclearización y reunificación, sigue siendo necesario realizar esfuerzos sostenidos de diplomacia y consolidación de la paz, al igual que la necesidad de apoyar soluciones, dirigidas localmente, a los conflictos de larga duración en la península. (source:
Almost 70 years after the Korean armistice agreement, tension and conflict between the North and South have been a constant part of daily life on the Korean Peninsula. Although the potential for a lasting agreement on denuclearization and reunification is still uncertain, the need for sustained efforts at diplomacy and peacebuilding remains, as does the need to support locally led solutions to the long-standing conflicts on the peninsula. (source:
History of Korea since 1392
Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910): The Joseon Dynasty, the last dynasty on the Korean Peninsula. The dynasty was weakened by Japanese and Manchurian invasions, as well as political pressure from foreign countries.
Japanese colonial era (1910-1945): The Joseon Dynasty ended in 1910 with the Japanese invasion and the Japanese occupation began. Japanese colonial era was a period in which the Japanese Empire forcibly occupied and colonized the Korean Peninsula.
Chosen schools are Korean schools located in Japan where Korean children receive their ethnic education. Chosen schools in Japan have been subjected to various discriminations.
Talitha Kum Korea started in 2014.
Korea Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking (KCSAHT) is a collaborative, faith-based national network that offers education, supports access to survivor services, and engages in advocacy in an effort to eradicate modern-day slavery. As a member of Talitha Kum International, we are connected to a global network of women religious working to end human trafficking.
The House of Magdalena started in 1985, a shelter for sex workers in Seoul. It is run by three religious.
Who are the Koryoins (in Russian: Корё сарам)?
Koryoin is a name given to Koreans and their descendants living in various post-soviet countries (Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine. etc.). Before the reform and opening up, Koryoins living in the Soviet Union called themselves ChosonIn (Choson people) as Koreans living in Japan.