Ecole de Vie (School of Life), Karamoja, Naoi, Uganda


Following the Covid pandemic, the HIV/AIDS affected/infected children of School of Life appeared less motivated towards their future. A higher number of school dropouts was registered and its consequences (early pregnancies, forced marriages, streetism, family violence).


Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2024/06/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2024/06/25

Amélioration des compétences de vie, Centre de formation de Kalungu (KGTC), Uganda


The Uganda school curricula focus mainly on academic teaching, leaving aside hands-on skills. Graduated students’ job hunting was much limited to white collar jobs. At the Kalungu Girl Training Centre (KGTC), students mainly come from rural areas, whose parents could not afford higher education fees, and where office work is little.


Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2024/06/21
Date de la dernière modification: 2024/06/24

Amélioration de l'hygiène à la maternité du Centre de santé St. Charles Lwanga par la construction d'une buanderie afin de réduire la transmission des maladies contagieuses ; Chekalini, Kenya


The sanitarian and hygiene conditions in the St Charles Lawanga Health centre did not meet the required standards; laundry took place in the sluice room set in the labour ward. Patients were exposed to higher spread of infections and midwives were distracted during their service.


The project supported the construction of an annex room for exclusive laundry activities. The laundry room includes dobby sinks, wardrobes to store bedlinen, electricity wiring, proper drainage and a couple of washing machines.

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2024/06/20
Date de la dernière modification: 2024/06/20
