Proyecto Bantaba


The southern Spanish village of Las Norias de Daza (El Ejido municipality) in the region of Almeria has a population of 8.864 out of which 57,2% are migrants. Most of them are newly arrived and work in greenhouses. 


The Bantaba centre wants to be a place of encounter and relationship for migrants and between the local populations. Bantaba's main objective is the integration of the migrant population at local level. 

Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/01/14

Festival de Cine en Armagh, Proyecto Erasmus sobre Migración, Red Europea de Colegios del Sagrado Corazón


The European Network of Sacred Heart Schools gather Sacred Heart Schools from 11 European countries: Austria, Belgium, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Poland, Italy, Scotland and Spain. The network seeks to actively support the member schools in the development and implementation of their shared Sacred Heart ethos. Among their aims is the promotion of students' social awareness which impels to action. 


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/09/13
