Vivir nuestro carisma y misión en un mundo marcado por el conflicto y la movilidad forzada nos
obliga a caminar y a ser solidarios y solidarias con las personas que están en movimiento.
(Ser Artesanas de Esperanza en Nuestro Mundo Bendecido y Roto, p.28)

2020 World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Forced like Jesus Christ to Flee

September 27 is World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
Impelled by our charism and mission as Sacred Heart educators to vivify hope in this, our wounded world, we are called to be in solidarity with “people on the move.”

Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, p. 20.

The theme chosen by Pope Francis for the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees is “Forced like Jesus Christ to flee” to focus on the pastoral care of internally displaced people (IDPs).
