Comunidades de Práctica Transformadoras: Lavarnos los pies las unas a las otras


In Australia-New Zealand, JPIC comes under the mandate of the Charism and Mission Committee. This consists of two RSCJ (Mary Shanahan and Esmey Herscovitch) and two laywomen (Christine Hannan and Bev Neill.) Christine is Chair of the committee and also Province Director of Mission. A member of the provincial team (Diana Hayes rscj) is the JPIC link for the committee. The group took up the challenge of the TCoP#1 Washing One Another’s Feet and chose this focus described.


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2021/03/26
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/05/09

Concienciación a JPIC, colegio Baradene, Nueva Zelandia (JPIC Awareness Raising)


Among the goals and criteria that articulate the essence of the Sacred Heart schools in Australia-New Zealand, Goal Four matches the JPIC commitment:  social awareness which impels to action. Studies will help to attain knowledge about social and moral issues. But knowledge of injustices is not enough.


To given opportunities to reach out directly to the needy - collecting food for the hungry, working with the elderly, tutoring the young, comforting the sick.


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/09/13
