Programa para los Refugiados y Migrantes (Refugees and Migrants Programme, RAMP))


The presence of migrants and refugees in London is significant.


To help refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants to realise their potential and achieve participation in society. It aims to provide a holistic service for people on the move with multiple and complex needs.


The project works around London Borough of Newham, a deprived and thoroughly multicultural area of East London.

Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/05/03

Comunidad de Walker, Newcastle


The Society’s commitment to the poor and the marginalised permeates so much of the life of the Society, at individual level choice, as  local communities and as a Province community.


To set up a community in an area of urban deprivation, Walker, Newcastle


Parish activities

Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/04/14

Proyecto de reciclaje de la comunidad de Woking


The old school uniforms, boarding bedding, books and sport equipment can be polished out, mended for reuse and new users.


To support provide material support for marginalised people (migrants and homeless) in London and to schools and an orphanage in Uganda and Ghana


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/09/06

Crisis en la temporada de Navidad


People become homeless for lots of different reasons. There are social causes of homelessness, such as a lack of affordable housing, poverty and unemployment; and life events which push people into homelessness. Crisis is a charity helping homeless people.


To provide shelter for the homeless at Christmas.


Awareness-raising and fund-raising.


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/09/06

Proyecto TECHO en México (Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Hammersmith)


One of the very important Sacred Heart Goals is "Social Awareness that Impels to Action". All of the students are encouraged to develop their awareness of social justice issues that affect the local, national and global communities. It is hoped that with a developed sense of awareness students are impelled to act, and get involved in a variety of fundraising and community service projects throughout the school year. 


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/05/04

Concienciación a JPIC


To raise JPIC awareness among RSCJ of the ENW province. 


Organisation of talks and workshop (2 sessions/year) for the Province, one with RSCJ input and the other with outside speakers, on following topics:

  • Fair Trade

  • Prison Education

  • Unemployment

  • Human Trafficking

  • Refugees and Migrants.


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/05/03

Los Colegios Respectando Derechos, UNICEF (Rights Respecting School), Colegio del Sagrado Corazón de Roehampton -


To put the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of the school's planning, policies, practice, and ethos.


Once a year the school has a special UNICEF week when each day has a specific focus and the teaching and learning activities are structured to reflect UNCRC articles. For example, specific days were allocated to water, health, pupil voice day, multicultural day and social awareness as well as participation in a district model UN general assembly.


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/03/11

Encuentro JPIC entre dos provincias ENW y IRS


JPIC is a cross-mission in the Society. Discerning about it and finding ways to strengthen it throughout the Society and its Family is the way to further inroot it in the everyday life of RSCJ and their associates. 


Awarness raising on JPIC topics among RSCJ of two provinces 


  • Meetings of RSCJ of two different provinces, ENW and IRS
  • Debates about justice and peace and integrity of creation 


Para mayor información, contacta con el administrador de la base de datos JPIC.
Fecha de la entrada: 2017/04/25
Fecha de la última variación: 2022/05/03
