Vertical Tabs Overview Objective To serve and cheer up elderly people and pray with them and give relief to staff. Activities: Novices give 3 months of their service. El objetivo Servir y animar a las personas mayores, rezar con ellas, y dar alivio al personal. Las actividades Las novicias transcurren con las personas mayores 3 meses de servicio. L'objectif Servir et réconforter les personnes âgées, prier avec elles et soulager le personnel. Les activities Les novices passent trois mois de leur service avec les personnes âgées. Society Presence: Indonesia Focus of the project: People JPIC Imperative: Transforming and Being Transformed Contact name: Geradette Phillips rscj People being served People being served: People who are marginalised Age group: Seniors 61 - 99 Number of participants: 05-50 Elderly people Personas mayores Personnes âgées Schedule Project Status: Completed Collaboration Documents: No documents currently. For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/05/04