Vertical Tabs Overview Objective To increase JPIC awareness among RSCJ in the province of Ireland-Scotland. Activity Participation in discussion that treat JPIC issues. Outcome 2013- 2015 Individual rscj have participated in discussions on trafficking, the greening of the Earth, refugees/migrants, gay and lesbian rights, the prison system. El objetivo Fomentar la conciencia JPIC en las RSCJ de la provincia de Irlanda-Escocia. Las actividades Participación en discusiones que tratan temas de JPIC. Los resultados 2013- 2015 Las rscj han participado en debates sobre la trata de personas, la ecologización de la Tierra, refugiados/migrantes, los derechos del colectivo LGTB y del sistema penitenciario. L'objectif Accroître la sensibilisation à JPIC parmi les RSCJ de la province d'Irlande-Ecosse. Les activités Participation à des discussions qui traitent des questions de JPIC. Les résultat 2013- 2015 Des RSCJ ont participé individuellement à des discussions sur la traite des êtres humains, l'écologisation de la Terre, les réfugiés/migrants, les droits de la communauté LGTB, le système carcéral. Society Presence: Ireland/Scotland Focus of the project: Peace JPIC Imperative: Transforming and Being Transformed Contact name: Carmel Flynn rscj People being served People being served: Agents of transformation (Educators) Number of participants: 05-50 RSCJ RSCJ Schedule Ending date: 2015-01 Project Status: Completed Documents: 2013-2015 For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/05/04