Vertical Tabs Overview Objective To become aware of issues of tribalism, terrorism, corruption and radicalization of the youth that are so evident in our countries. Activities Tackle daily activities with an approach on justice, however little it may seem. El objetivo Aumentar la sensibilización a respecto de asuntos como el tribalismo, el terrorismo, la corrupción y la radicalización de los jovenes que es tan evidente en nuestro países. Actividades Abordar las actividades de todos los días con un enfoque de justicia, aunque este sea mínimo. Society Presence: Uganda/Kenya Focus of the project: People JPIC Imperative: Transforming and Being Transformed Contact name: RSCJ Karen community People being served People being served: Agents of transformation (Educators) Number of participants: 251-500 Schedule Project Status: Ongoing Documents: No documents currently. For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/20