Vertical Tabs Overview Objectif To improve on health and nutrition in the school. Activities Health and nutrition club to put up posters in the school compound to direct pupils on what to do (eg. Take care of the trees, put rubbish in the compost pit, wash hands, clean dishes). El objetivo Mejorar las condiciones de salud y el aporte nutricional en el colegio. Las actividades Formación de un Club de nutrición y salud para pegar posters educativos en el recinto del colegio para indicar a los alumnos y alumnas cuáles son las buenas prácticas (curar de los árboles, echar la basura en el pozo de abono, lavarse las manos, lavar los platos). Society Presence: Uganda/Kenya Focus of the project: People Contact name: RSCJ Ngumo Community People being served People being served: Children and Young People Age group: Children 0 - 17 Number of participants: 251-500 Schedule Project Status: Ongoing Documents: No documents currently. For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/25Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/20