Vertical Tabs Overview Objective To offer emergency relief in the event of natural disasters Activities Awareness raising Fund raising activities Sending of funds to the needed populations (For example: Australian bushfires; Queensland flood appeal; Typhoon Haiyan appeal; Philippines earthquake; Cyclone Pam Vanuatu; Nepal earthquake) El objetivo Ofrecer ayuda de emergencia en caso de catástrofes naturales. Las actividades Sensibilización Actividades de recaudación de fondos Envío de fondos a las poblaciones necesitadas (Por ejemplo: Incendios forestales en Australia; las inundaciones de Queensland; el tifón Haiyan; terremoto de Filipinas; ciclón Pam Vanuatu; terremoto de Nepal). L'objectif Offrir une aide d'urgence en cas de catastrophe naturelle. Les actitivies Sensibilisation Activités de collecte de fonds Envoi de fonds aux populations concernées (par exemple : feux de brousse en Australie ; appel pour les inondations dans le Queensland ; appel pour le typhon Haiyan ; tremblement de terre aux Philippines ; cyclone Pam à Vanuatu ; tremblement de terre au Népal). Society Presence: Australia/New Zealand Focus of the project: People JPIC Imperative: Transforming and Being Transformed Contact name: rscj People being served People being served: Agents of transformation (Educators) Age group: Adults 26 - 60, Children 0 - 17, Seniors 61 - 99, Young people 18 - 25 Number of participants: 251-500 Indirectly, marginalised people following natural disasters. Indirectamente, personas víctimas de catástrofes naturales. Indirectement, les victimes des catastrophes naturelles Schedule Project Status: Ongoing Documents: No documents currently. For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2017/04/24Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/09/13