Vertical Tabs Overview Background Bambamarca is th poorest and most marginalised provinces in the Dpt of Cajamarca. It is a district with high rate of malnutrition, illiteracy and environmental pollution as a result of mining exploitation. Objective To improve technical manual skills of young people attending the CEBA: Activities Manual workshops Contexto Bambamarca es la provincia más pobre y marginada del Departamento de Cajamarca. Es un distrito con un alto índice de desnutrición, analfabetismo y contaminación ambiental como resultado de la explotación minera. El objetivo Mejorar las habilidades manuales técnicas de los jóvenes que asisten al CEBA (Centro de Educación Base Alternativa) Las actividades Talleres de manuales Society Presence: Peru Focus of the project: People Contact name: Betzabeth Villanueva RSCJ People being served People being served: Children and Young People Age group: Young people 18 - 25 Number of participants: 05-50 Young people coming from agricoltural background (campesino) Jóvenes compesinos Schedule Project Status: Ongoing Documents: No documents currently. For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2020/09/21Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/13