Vertical Tabs Overview Outcomes 1. Children participating in the Toy Library project have been able to develop leadership skills, teamwork, conflict and family violence management. 2. They have strengthened their capacity for mathematical logic and reading comprehension. 3. The participants have deepened the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 4. Children from 1 - 5 years old have developed early stimulation and psychomotor skills. 5. A link has been created between families, the Parish and the Municipality, weaving a new social structure in Layo. Los resultados 1. Los niños y niñas que participan en el proyecto de Ludoteca han logrado desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo, trabajo en equipo, manejo de conflictos y violencia familiar. 2. Han fortalecido su capacidad de razonamiento matemático y comprensión lectora. 3. Los participantes han profundizado la espiritualidad del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. 4. Los niños de 1 – 5 años han desarrollado capacidades de estimulación temprana y psicomotora. 5. Se ha generado un vínculo entre las familias, la Parroquia y el Municipio, tejiendo una nueva estructura social en Layo. Society Presence: Peru Focus of the project: People Contact name: Elizabeth Ruiz Rojas People being served People being served: Children and Young People Age group: Children 0 - 17 Number of participants: 05-50 Children aged 0-12 Niños y niñas de edad 0-12 Schedule Ending date: 2019-05 Project Status: Completed In stand-by due to Covid-19 pandemic. Las actividades se han suspendido por emergencia sanitaria Covid-19. Documents: No documents currently. For more information, contact the JPIC database administrator.Date of Record Entry: 2021/10/27Date of Record Last Modified: 2022/01/11