Voices from Fukushima

March 11, 2021 marked exactly the 10th year since the Great East Japan Earthquake.
CTVC (Catholic Tokyo Volunteer Center) of the Archdiocese of Tokyo has been engaging in support activities, mainly in the southern part of Miyagi and the entire Fukushima prefectures.
The records of a series of talks of people who were connected with us in our activities are put on the CTVC Web site, “Voices from FUKUSHIMA.” The speakers are people who evacuated from Fukushima due to the nuclear accident, especially those living in the temporary housing, along with many others who evacuated to outside of Fukushima, a Buddhist monk of the disaster area, and leaders of various support groups. They share their experiences, thoughts and messages.
Please visit the “Voices of FUKUSHIMA” website and listen to the voice of the people, their bitter experiences from right after the disasters to the present time and know how things stand now. The site is multilingual with English, French, Spanish, and Korean, as well as Japanese so that as many people as possible may know the present situation of the victims. Do share this information with your friends and acquaintances, please.
In addition, CTVC-Catholic Tokyo Volunteer Center, the owner of this site, would like to announce that the website is closing on March 31, after 10 years of support activities. However, the site will be transferred to the home page of “Caritas Minamisoma,” an active support group in the Fukushima prefecture, and you can visit the CTVC site whenever you want and wherever you are.
URL (in use) https://en.ctvc.jp/
New URL (effective from April 1, 2021) https://enctvc.caritasms.com/
For further information, please contact us: Catholic Tokyo Volunteer Center tokyo@ctvc.jp
Photos from RSCJ-JPIC