International Day of the Girl 2021

Every year in October under the auspices of the United Nations, groups and individuals from across the globe honor and empower girls on International Day of the Girl.
This year joining in the observance, individuals and groups of students from schools across the Sacred Heart Network created strategies and action plans to extend girls rights inspired by the theme, “Our Voice, Our Equal Future”. The Sacred Heart participants designed each of these projects by sharing their passions as well as how we as individuals, and as Sacred Heart family, can act to support social equity such as reducing female infanticide, alleviating obstacles to girls’ education, addressing period poverty, and raising awareness and funds for the prevention of the practice of child brides. The breadth of the social awareness, diversity and talent of these students is shown, but all represent Cor Unum, the one heart that unites us. Gratitude goes to Sacred Heart Alumnae Lisabeth Kelly and Sasha Amelang for organizing this initiative.
Click on the links to view the submissions from Sacred Heart Schools around the world. All submissions are in their original language:
Academy of the Sacred Heart - New Orleans
Colegio Sagrado Corazón - México
Santa Magdalena Sofía - Valencia
St. Theresa Girl's High School - Maharashtra
Visit the Sacred Heart at the UN Facebook Page for more posts.