Dignity at the heart of the SDGs in a Post- COVID Era: Listening to Youth, Older Persons, Refugees, and Indigenous Peoples

Based on the fundamental dignity of every person, the General Assembly unanimously adopted the goals and targets and a timeline for all nations and peoples and all segments of society to accomplish sustainable development by 2030.
Our interactive panel will represent voices from the field, their experiences, and challenges to re-build a healthier, more equitable, and peaceful world in a post COVID era in which the fundamental dignity of each person is realized. We will hear from individuals living in four of this year’s VNR countries: Colombia, Japan, Mexico, and Spain. They will present some of the challenges they face in achieving the promise held in the SDG's to leave no one behind and reach the furthest behind. Additionally, they will offer best practices and offer suggestions for a sustainable way forward.
Register to the event here.
(Interpretation in English, French, and Spanish)
Read the concept notes here.