Bringing Popular Education to the United Nations

The Society of the Sacred Heart
has written its first intervention to the
Commission for Social Development of the
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Our statement,
Children as Agents of Social Transformation
for a Sustainable Future,
which we jointly presented with the Medical Mission Sisters,
was prepared for the 54th Session of the UN Commission for Social Develoment.
In an article published on Society of the Sacred Heart at the UN, authors Imma De Stefanis rscj, Reyna Gonzalez rscj, and Cecile Meijer rscj, share that:
"Deciding upon the topic of our first written intervention to the Commission for Social Development at the United Nations was not a difficult one. Knowing that the theme of the session in February 2016 will be Rethinking and strengthening social development in the contemporary world, the popular education process, which is characterized by equity, respect, solidarity and the common good, seemed a good starting point to bring our RSCJ experience and analysis to the international policy table in New York."
Click here to know more about the statement and how they crafted the intervention.