International Day of the Girl 2023

The International Day of the Girl (IDG) event, usually observed on 11th of October every year, was celebrated on 10th October at the United Nations (UN) headquarters in New York this year. The main theme; Invest in Girls’ Rights: Our Leadership and Well-Being, was divided into 10 sub themes.
Each sub theme was showcased on a different day preceding the IDG celebration. Girls from different Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) groups that had aligned their interest to specific sub-theme took charge and advocated for specific girls’ rights through different media platforms. Each organization decided on how to present the sub theme it had chosen.
The Society of the Sacred Heart, networked with the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto Sisters) and the Holy Spirit Congregation to advocate for the right of the girls to quality Education. The Society was represented by a total of 9 girls from 5 Sacred Heart Schools around the globe. Two girls were from Convent of the Sacred Heart New York, 91st street, one from Laini Saba Primary school in Kenya, one from Sacred Heart School in Sapporo-Japan, three from Sacred Heart Sophia College, Mumbai -India and two from Sacred Heart Primary School Kyamusansala-Uganda. Our girls discussed how education has transformed them.
The IDG event was blessed by the presence of the UN organizations that promote the rights of the girl. Besides the Working Group on Girls’ (WGG) committee that organized for this event, UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund), UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund), UN Women and Plan International supported the girls in the celebration of the event. The Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, in his written speech read by one of the girl moderators, called for increased attention and resourcing for the Key areas that enable girls to realize their rights and achieve their full potential.
More about this event can be found under:
- Facebook: Day of the Girl Summit -
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