“Creation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of only a few.
Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it
for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude.”
(Pope Francis)
Ser Artesanas de Esperanza en Nuestro Mundo Bendecido y Roto
Declaración del Compromiso de la JPIC
Sociedad del Sagrado Corazón
Being Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World
Statement of JPIC Commitment
Society of the Sacred Heart
Our world is at an historic paradoxical moment. It holds new possibilities while it is also wrought with inequality, suffering, and violence. As such, we are citizens of a world that is both broken and blessed. We feel profoundly the cry of the poor and the pain of the earth. We desire to participate in the care of “our common home” – working against injustices, constructing peaceful interrelationships, and protecting the earth.
New Frontiers
New Frontiers
a Quarterly Newsletter for Global Education and Advocacy.
This is the joint newsletter of JPIC International
and the UN-NGO Office.
Nouvelles Frontières
Bulletin trimestriel pour l'éducation globale et le plaidoyer.
Il s'agit du bulletin commun de JPIC International et de l'ONU-ONG.
Nuevas Fronteras
Un boletín trimestral para la educación global y la defensa de la JPIC
Este es el boletín conjunto de JPIC Internacional y la ONU-ONG.
La force d'impact de l'industrie minière
Notre coordonnatrice du JPIC international Anne Corry rscj est un membre de « Integrity of Creation Working Group USG-UISG » ( l’Union des Supérieurs généraux et Supérieures Générales Internationales ).
Elle partage avec nous cette ressource sur La force d'impact de l'industrie minière qui a été élaboré par ce groupe de travail pour la disponibilité de toutes les congrégations religieuses.
Los Impactos de la Minería
Nuestra Coordinadora de JPIC Internacional Anne Corry rscj es miembro del Grupo de Trabajo para la Integridad de la Creación de la USG-UISG (Unión de los Superiores Generales y la Unión Internacional de Superioras Generales).
Ella comparte con nosotras este recurso sobre Los Impactos de la Minería, que fue desarrollado por este grupo de trabajo para la disponibilidad de todas las congregaciones religiosas.
The Impacts of Mining
Our JPIC International Coordinator Anne Corry rscj is a member of the Integrity of Creation Working Group of USG-UISG. (Union of Superior Generals - International Union of Superiors General).
She shares with us this resource on The Impacts of Mining which was developed by this working group for the availability of all religious congregations.
The Introduction gives us an idea of the contents of this booklet.