

The specific objective is enhance the development of new social and personal skills of the youth of Michaihue.


Artistic workshops. Boost participation to workshops.  


Youth have participated in the workshops. Youth have improved their artistic and sports skills. Self-esteem has been strengthened. Youth have opted for a healthier life. Youth have learned to behave in a responsible and respectful way. A meeting space has been available.  


Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2018/01/19
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/09/06

Camps Urbains à Michaihue, Concepción (Colonias Urbanas)


Improve the environment of marginalised children of Michaihue for the promotion of peace (protection and promotion of children's right). 

  • Organise spaces for leisure and training for children of Michaihue; 

  • Strengthen and develop children's social skills to enhance socialisation and integration among children.


  • Learning through play. Subjects are taught in creative and artistic workshops.  

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2018/01/18
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/09/05

Ateliers de femmes (Talleres Mujeres)

Promote the development and the role of women to foster the building of community groups as well as improve their personal growth and self-esteem and heal their hurts in order to reestablish a balance in their domestic reality.  The place of implementation is the municipality of Michaihue in Concepción.


  • Taller Domoche Marichiweu workshop: textile work, covers for cushions and chairs, backpacks, embroidery, textile printing;

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2017/12/01
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/09/06

Iyolosiwa, Education populaire


The Popular Education is a learning concept that focuses mainly on marginalised people (unemployed, indigenous, peasants, etc.) and their learning process. It enhances their learning through experiences, practices and reasoning in/on their local environment. Popular Education has had a long tradition in Latin America since the end of XX and one of its founder is Paolo Freir.

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2017/04/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/05/09

Plus d’engagement envers et de qualité de service pour les exclus et les faibles, Michaihue, Concepción (Más Compromiso y Calidad del Servicio a los Excluidos y Debiles, Fundación Con Tus Manos)


The project aimed to improve school results of 90 young people of the poor and vulnerable outskirts of Michaihue (city of Concepcion).


Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2017/04/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/09/05
