ARU Programme de Volontariat (IVP), Venez et Voyez (ARU Programa de Voluntariado - Vengan y Vean)


  • To offer agents of transformation the opportunity to have an experience with marginalised people. 
  • To offer agents of transformation a multicultural experience. 
  • To offer an itinerary for the search and accompaniment of young people for their project of life.
  • To participate in projects of education from which to collaborate in the construction of a more just and supportive world, in the style of Jesus.
  • (indirectly) To give support to people who are most disadvantaged.  


Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2020/10/02
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/09/01

Iyolosiwa, Education populaire


The Popular Education is a learning concept that focuses mainly on marginalised people (unemployed, indigenous, peasants, etc.) and their learning process. It enhances their learning through experiences, practices and reasoning in/on their local environment. Popular Education has had a long tradition in Latin America since the end of XX and one of its founder is Paolo Freir.

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2017/04/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/05/09

Une formation professionnelle pour les jeunes de Villa Jardín (Formación para el trabajo para los jóvenes de Villa Jardín)


Villa Jardín is a marginalised suburban area of the capital Buenos Aires.  


To improve the quality of high school education in Villa Jardin. Indirectly, it aims to offer its beneficiaries, marginalised teenagers, new social and work opportunities and have them overcome the risk situation they live in (poverty, violence).


Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2017/04/25
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/09/01
