Nous avons été appelés à bien des égards à comprendre notre relation avec la terre et à prendre soin de notre maison commune. 
(Être des Artisans d’Espérance dans Notre Monde Béni et Brisé, p.28)

Of climate crisis and “dangerous memory”

A day after Typhoon Ulysses wreaked havoc on many places in the Philippines, I went to one of the areas that was seriously affected by the flood and where a number of the SMSF (St. Madeleine Sophie Foundation) families live. The mothers met me with a surprised smile and showed me the extent of the damage of the flood waters. All their belongings were taken out of their small houses to be washed; all clothes were soaked in mud; the children were tired and sleepy for they stayed awake the whole night of the typhoon. There was no electricity and no running water!
