The Mexican Province of the Society of the Sacred Heart, seeking to influence the transformation of reality, from the practice of justice, peace, and integrity of creation, has chosen to promote a volunteer program that encourages and facilitates the participation of lay people, especially young people who freely and responsibly wish to collaborate to this end.
Du 3 au 9 juin, le Stuart Center de Washington DC, a accueilli le Programme des Citoyens du Monde du Sacré-Cœur, réunissant 12 participants venus du Mexique, de Porto Rico et des États-Unis pour une semaine d’exploration, de conversation, de réflexion et de prière. Cette année, l’accent a été mis sur la Transformation écologique par la Spiritualité.
June 3–9, the Stuart Center in Washington, D.C., hosted the Sacred Heart Global Citizen Program, bringing together 12 participants from Mexico, Puerto Rico and the United States to participate in a week of exploration, conversation, reflection and prayer. This year’s focus was Ecological Transformation through Spirituality.
Del 3 al 9 de junio, el Centro Stuart en Washington, D.C., organizó el Sagrado Corazón Programa Ciudadano Global, reuniendo a 12 participantes de México, Puerto Rico y los Estados Unidos para participar en una semana de investigación, conversación, reflexión y oración. El enfoque de este año fue la Transformación Ecológica a través de la Espiritualidad.
One of the very important Sacred Heart Goals is "Social Awareness that Impels to Action". All of the students are encouraged to develop their awareness of social justice issues that affect the local, national and global communities. It is hoped that with a developed sense of awareness students are impelled to act, and get involved in a variety of fundraising and community service projects throughout the school year.
The Sacred Heart Schools are committed to a social awareness which impels to action.
The Sacred Heart School of Mexico City is committed to teach its students respect for creation and prepares its students to be stewards of the earth's resources. Environmental sustainability is applied in the school environment.
Since 1956, Granja Hogar focuses on children and young people of Chihuahua living in conditions of extreme poverty, being at risk of social marginalisation, living in disintegrated families, victims of violence and abandonment. Most of them are of Rarámuri origine.