Classes pour des adultes avec handicap; Samalout


In the mid-1990's, when Spanish RSCJ opened the Salamout centre, it accommodated young children and provided an active program for its hosts. Since their departure in the 2010's, the centre became short of a full program of activities and turned into a simple child-minding place. In addition, the young children became yound adults with different needs. The centre needed to be revitalised and reorganised.


Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2023/12/06
Date de la dernière modification: 2023/12/06

Réfugiés soudanais au Caire


Since 1984, Sudanese refugees have been settling in Cairo. From 1990 to 2005, the number of refugees arriving in Cairo increased significantly. In 2018, UNHCR had about 12.500 South Soudaneses registered as refugees. The UNHCR figures do not include over 10,000 migrants from Sudan and South Sudan who did not qualify for the refugee status but who are equally vulnerable. About 60% of them are young people under 25.

Pour plus d'informations, contactez l'administrateur de la base de données JPIC.
Date de l'enregistrement: 2019/05/19
Date de la dernière modification: 2022/09/06