Our Common Agenda - Report of the Secretary-General

“Our Common Agenda” report looks ahead to the next 25 years and represents the Secretary-General’s vision on the future of global cooperation and reinvigorating inclusive, networked, and effective multilateralism. The Secretary-General presented his report to the General Assembly in September 2021 before the end of the 75th session of the General Assembly.
What is 'Our Common Agenda'?
Our Common Agenda is an agenda of action, designed to strengthen and accelerate multilateral agreements – particularly the 2030 Agenda – and make a tangible difference in people’s lives.
Our Common Agenda contains recommendations across 4 broad areas for renewed solidarity between peoples and future generations, a new social contract anchored in human rights, better management of critical global commons, and global public goods that deliver equitably and sustainably for all.
Our Common Agenda presents the Secretary-General's vision on the future of global cooperation through an inclusive, networked, and effective multilateralism.
Read the full report here: Our Common Agenda - Report of the Secretary-General