International Day of the Girl 2021

"My Voice, Our Equal Future"
Join us in celebrating the International Day of the Girl! Every 11 October the world celebrates GIRLS!
And we want to hear from you. This year’s theme “My Voice, Our Equal Future” asks us to reflect on the
changes we can make in the world as individuals and together. How we, as girls, can change the world.
As Sacred Heart students one of our collective goals is a Social Awareness that Impels to Action.
What actions can we take now and in the future?
In groups, as a class, or on your own create a goal for social change using the worksheet attached,
then tell us about it. Your goal can be as big or small as you want.
Get Creative! You can submit your work as a video, piece of art, poem, or essay. And we will feature
your work on the Sacred Heart at the UN Page to help inspire others. When you send us your
creation, send us the worksheet that goes with it.
Let’s see from how many places around the world we can lift our voices!
You can find all the materials and more information for participating in this event in the link below:
International Day of the Girl - English Package
If you have any questions please contact Ms. Lisabeth Kelly, volunteer with the UN-NGO Office, at