The “Missionary Action” project by the Sacred Heart Missionary Group

"The pandemic made us stop, like everyone else."
Nevertheless, for us as a group, where every summer for more than 10 years we have being going out on mission to different communities, it made us rethink our mission and aim as a “Sacred Heart Missionary Group”.
As a result, we began to see and understand where we could be missionaries, where there was need of our help, where and whom we could serve. And so, the “Missionary Action” project was born.
On Saturday 24th July, we began - painting the railings, and fixing and cleaning our health centre. In our own community, our own neighbourhood.
We are gradually trying to improve the environment of this place, which is frequented by many families in the neighbourhood, and even more so in these times.
We ask you to pray for this project and for those who carry it out. But we also give thanks to you for spreading the word about this experience and for your support as Family of the Sacred Heart.
Naty Enrique
Missionary group of the community of the neighborhood "La Cortada" Reconquista
Province of Argentina-Uruguay