An inspiring meeting for European Sacred Heart Educators

In March 2021 over 70 European Sacred Heart Educators came together on a Zoom call with the Society’s International JPIC Team, RSCJ JPIC links from the European provinces and members of the General Council.
During the meeting Anne Corry RSCJ explained the background to the Society’s priority for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, highlighting the 2018 International JPIC Meeting in the Philippines, the document Artisans of Hope in Our Blessed and Broken World, and the four Imperatives. Sheila Smith RSCJ went on to talk about the Imperative, “Welcoming People on the Move” and the work being done in the European region. She also explained the role of the Society’s NGO office at the United Nations. Joy Luz RSCJ completed the session giving more context about the role of Sacred Heart Education in JPIC and how the establishing of the JPIC “Learning Hub” will play a vital role in bringing together the efforts of Educators: RSCJ and lay.
Those attending responded most enthusiastically finding the session truly inspirational, full of hope, ideas and initiative. They were delighted to see the witness and action already taking place across the world and many expressed the desire to be involved in projects. The young people in our schools show great passion for these same ideals. For some present, the work described by the JPIC team was a revelation and a very welcome one. Headteachers spoke later of their appreciation of the thinking, the energy, the sense of growth and the spirituality expressed and exemplified. Many spoke of their happiness and pride in belonging to this Sacred Heart community and expressed their deep gratitude for the presentations, the opportunity to be together and the feeling part of something much bigger.

In May there is going to be a follow up meeting where students from our European Schools will present projects linked to JPIC themes to members of the RSCJ International JPIC team. Networks are looking to ways to support this work. The French Network, meeting that same day, had many proposals, but these have been paused by their latest national shutdown- the ever present challenge for all at this time. The Spanish Network’s focus for next year on “Values” is ‘Compassion & Generosity’. The timing of this meeting was perfect for them.
These meetings are important steps in fulfilling commitments by the International Education Commission and JPIC International Team to finding opportunities for closer collaboration in our mission, uniting our schools and the Society, “To be and to act as One Body”.
Hilary Thompson
Sacred Heart Schools' and College Network Coordinator ENW