Girls of the World celebrate International Day of the Girl!

What is it like to be a girl in 2020 in the midst of a global pandemic? While UNICEF reports that the global Covid-19 epidemic has some negative affects on many girls, one positive impact is the virtual way that Day of the Girl 2020 is being celebrated. More girls can participate, share their stories and support each other to speak about this year’s theme, “My voice, our equal future”.
Some Sacred Heart girls answered the call for videos for this year’s Girls Speak Out event. They contributed their perspectives about what girls need in order to be bold and to build equity in their lives, education, communities, families, and so on. They also shared their views on what stands in the way of girls experiencing equity.
THANK YOU TO THE SACRED HEART GIRLS from Bhokar and Haregaon, in Maharashtra, India and Sacred Heart School in Mexico City, Mexico, for your participation in Girls Speak Out!
Some highlights from their video entries are:
Geeta from Bhokar speaks about building equity for girls. She shares about her life experience of empowerment through the Ashankur Rural Women’s Center, a collaborative project of Society of the Sacred Heart, Congregation of Carmelite Religious, and the Jesuits. According to her, to learn skills for a profession that will ensure financial stability is a concrete way that she is living her dream of being a fashion designer for girls who are poor.
Gahire from St. Teresa Girls High School run by Religious of the Sacred Heart in Haregaon shares about being bold and fearless, even though she comes from an economically deprived background. This is possible because her parents believe in gender equality, and she receives quality education in the STEM subjects at school. She is already living her dream of becoming a doctor who serves the poor.
Maria from Mexico City shares what it is for girls to be bold. For her this means to be someone who likes to take risks and not give up on achieving what you want even if difficult. She also shares her insight on how girls can achieve equality through determination and speaking up for justice. Maria’s experience of being a girl in her context is both cool and hard. Violence against girls and women stands in the way of equality for all.
Almudena, a grade 5 student in Mexico City, uses her video to educate about the distinctions between equality and equity, and gives examples of gender equality. She challenges us not to discriminate and to live together in peace.
Andrea, a grade 5 student in Mexico City, shares that equity means not treating others differently. She gives the example of equity for those who have a disability. She also explains equity in a water-colour painting. Andrea then sings about her love and passion for seeing something shining in each person.
Grade six students in Mexico City share about what equity means to them. They use John Lennon’s famous song, Imagine, as the inspiration for their video. Using artwork and words, they describe equity as girl power, love, being able to do everything, financial equality, equal career opportunities, freedom, strength, gender equality, hope, determination, empowerment, respect, leadership, and so much more.
The Sacred Heart contributions mentioned above can be viewed on YouTube as part of Girls’ Speak Out on October 11.
A video compiled of submissions from girls around the world will premier (a total of six times and in various languages to accommodate all regions of the world!) The video will lead the conversation on building equity for girls globally. Viewers will have the opportunity to join the dialogue through a live chat – ask questions and share your experiences! Watch the compiled video on October 11 at the Speak Out event. The YouTube link and updated information will be posted here on October 11.
Other events leading up to International Day of the Girl:
October 1-11: 11 Days of Action
Join the daily Twitter chats on topics about girls’ rights. Click here for more information
October 9: Girls' Rights Townhall
Come with the curriculum provided on their website and join the livestream. Click here for more information.
Follow Day of the Girl Summit on all their social media platforms to stay up to date!
Sheila Smith rscj
UN-NGO Representative