Laudato Si Week 2023 - Hope for the Earth. Hope for Humanity

Laudato Si’ Week 2023 will be celebrated May 21-28, to mark the eighth anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical on care for creation. This global celebration will unite Catholics to rejoice in the progress we have made in bringing Laudato Si’ to life, and show how the protagonists of “The Letter” are already doing so.
The film "The Letter," which tells the story of four "social poets" affected first-hand by the climate crisis who travel to Rome to meet Pope Francis, will be the main resource guiding the week's events, encouraging people to organize community screenings.
The theme for this year's Laudato Si' Week is "Hope for the Earth. Hope for Humanity."
Several global events will take place during the week, including an event dedicated to "The Letter" on Saturday 27, and the conclusion of the Week on Pentecost–Sunday 28.
Visit the Laudato Si' website to learn how you may participate: LAUDATOSIWEEK.ORG
Common Prayer for the 8th Anniversary of Laudato Si':