56th World Day of Peace - Journeying Together on Paths of Peace

The year 2023 marks the 56th Day of Peace, the 60th year of Pacem in Terris (Pope John XXIII, 1963) and the 75th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the UN.
We share with you the prayer-reflection on peace that Fr. Vincent Anes, CMF has shared with us. You can find here the prayer in English, French, Italian and Spanish.
"Inspire our hearts to pray, bless and perform for the health and peace in the world. Help us to realize that our life and destiny are bound Together with all forms of life and no one can save oneself alone. Help us to resolve to emanate the fragrance of development and peace. Amen."
From the e-News of JPIC Commission USG/UISG, 31 December 2022 issue sent by Sr. Sheila Kinsey, FCJM
Click below to download the prayer-reflection in your preferred language:
English | Spanish | French | Italian