International Day of Education 2022

We have much to celebrate! On January 24, the international Family of the Sacred Heart was invited to participate in one of two Zoom events held on International Day of Education. RSCJ, educators, students, alumnae, parents and more joined in to listen, learn and celebrate the gift of Sacred Heart education to the world.
The events focused on Sacred Heart education as an act of justice. Highlighted was some of the work contributed by Sacred Heart students to the 2021 Sacred Heart campaign for International Day of the Girl. We heard about the rights of children and some of the obstacles around the globe for children to access their right to quality education. The role of boys and men in achieving gender equality was discussed. In addition, we were reminded about the intersection of the goals of Sacred Heart education, especially “A social awareness that impels to action”, with the 17 UN Sustainable Goals, especially #4 - quality education and #5 - gender equality. The presentation concluded with a video on the issue of period (menstrual) poverty created by girls from Sophia Junior College in Mumbai, India, which was a highlight of the presentation for many.
Speakers included, Alma and Rubén, Sacred Heart students at Saint Madeleine Sophie School in Valencia, Spain, Ms. Noemi Escobar, educator of the Sacred Heart at Sacred Heart School in Mexico City, Ms. Sasha Amelang and Ms. Lisabeth Kelly, Sacred Heart Alumnae who are volunteers with the Society’s UN-NGO Office. Sheila Smith, rscj, UN-NGO Representative for the Society, moderated the events.
Sheila Smith rscj
The first of the two events was recorded in English, French and Spanish. View the recorded video below: